logo cancerTo convegno medico 2018 Torino


Deadline: 07/02/2021

Language: Submission and presentation in English.

Size: Max. 3,000 characters incl. tables and images

Structure: Title, objectives, methods, results, conclusions.

Note: It is not allowed to mention product or company names or any names of the author or of the institution in the text/paper. This will automatically lead to a rejection of the paper.

Publication: Results that have already been published cannot be submitted.

Abstract review: Anonymously by several experts. Criteria are: “Interest of the subject” (new or interesting or already known), “quality of the methodology” (excellent or fair or inadequate), “results” (well-presented and documented or fair or inadequate) and “conclusions” (important or interesting but not new or does not reflect the results). Abstracts that show formal errors (multi-submission for the same congress, not anonymised, with product or company names, already published elsewhere), are going to be rejected.

PRIZES: Among the accepted Abstracts, three will be selected for the following prizes:

-BEST “JUST THE WOMAN I AM” CONTRIBUTION, dedicated to research focusing on women-related cancers

Awardees will be nominated by a scientific committee and will be granted a prize, courtesy of the sponsors.

CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS: All the accepted Abstracts will be published, free of charge, into a e-Book of Proceeding by the Editor Frontiers

SPECIAL ISSUES: All the registered people and attendants of the conference are warmly invited to submit a full manuscript (Short Communication, Full Research Paper, Review) on the topic related to the CancerTO conference to one of the following journals:

Special issue title: Advances on cancer molecular mechanisms and immunotherapy

Editors: Prof. Valeria Chiono, Prof. Paola Cappello, Prof. Marco Deriu, Dr. Irene Carmagnola, Dr. Tania Limongi

Link to the Special Issue


Special issue title: Emerging technologies for immunotherapy treatment targeting cancer

Editors: Prof. Valentina Cauda, Prof. Valeria Chiono, Prof. Marco Deriu, Dr. Clara Mattu, Prof. Giulia Adriani

Link to the Special Issue

The Manuscripts will be reviewed in a conventional peer-review process and be published in OPEN ACCESS format.

Discount on the Article Processing Charge will be guaranteed.


Submit your abstract

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